Mary Paterson Nursery Half term News
Forest school will be starting after half term.
10 children go every week, on a Wednesday, to our forest school in Hampstead Heath. They travel in our mini bus.
Maggie will put a video onto the website to share how you can prepare your child for this exciting adventure, where they will learn a lot of new skills.
We will have a music therapist starting at our school on 2nd November. She will be working with a small group of children, with the aim of working with other children over the year.
A big thank you from our lovely Yoga teacher, Janet, for putting children into leggings on a Friday for their yoga class. Many parents have asked about the state of children's hair after a yoga session, Janet finishes with a yoga nidra and small massage of lavender oil. Our nursery finishes Fridays with a lovely aroma and peaceful children.
Now that the weather has changed, please make sure that your child has suitable, warm clothing. We are a Forest School which means we are outside in all weathers and we get very dirty! The children have been having great fun playing with the coats, which results in a mix up of whose coat hangs on which peg! Help us to help you; by writing their names in their coats, otherwise it is difficult to know who owns which coat.
Thank you.
Shoe laces
Difficult for three- four year old to manage.
Health and Safety.....children often trip over their laces and other children's laces as they are still learning control of their bodies.
Easy for children to learn how to manage.
They love the sense of independence
of being able to manage their own needs.
Reminder- Parents meetings will be the week of the 9th November. A list for a timeslot will be put up on the 2 year old door/ 3-4 year old garden gate. Your family worker will then phone you at the time on the list for a phone consultation.
Half term is a great time to work on toilet training
We have toilet training tips on the website under news.
On line teaching and Learning. Please look at the videos we have posted for your children on the website under/videos for home learning. We welcome feedback and if any parents would like to make a music, dance or reading video, please get in contact with Rose. One of our lovely parents from last year sent a video of her playing the piano for the children.
Keep safe and happy.