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Early Years Federation

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On line safety in the Early Years Free online safety resources During the COVID-19 outbreak, Thinkuknow are providing #OnlineSafetyAtHome resources tailored for children of all ages including early years. EYFS aged 4-5 years Activity 1: Watch Jessie & Friends, Episode 1 Find the Jessie & Friends cartoons at: Watch Episode 1: Watching Videos with your child.  Use open questions to chat about the cartoon. For example: o What did you think about the cartoon? Which were your favourite parts? o How did Jessie feel when she watched ‘The Funny Tummy’ video? o How did she feel when she watched ‘The Happy Croccy’ video? How did her feelings change? o How did she get help to feel better?  Finish by having fun singing along together at the end! Activity 2: Draw your own Dog  Using what you have available (paper, pens, pencils, crafts etc.), you and your child can draw/design your own Dog! Be as creative as you’d like.  If your child

On line safety in the Early Years

Free online safety resources

During the COVID-19 outbreak, Thinkuknow are providing #OnlineSafetyAtHome resources tailored for children of all ages including early years.


EYFS aged 4-5 years

Activity 1: Watch Jessie & Friends, Episode 1


Find the Jessie & Friends cartoons at:

Watch Episode 1: Watching Videos with your child.  Use open questions to chat about the cartoon. For example: o What did you think about the cartoon? Which were your favourite parts? o How did Jessie feel when she watched ‘The Funny Tummy’ video? o How did she feel when she watched ‘The Happy Croccy’ video? How did her feelings change? o How did she get help to feel better?  Finish by having fun singing along together at the end!



Activity 2: Draw your own Dog


 Using what you have available (paper, pens, pencils, crafts etc.), you and your child can draw/design your own Dog! Be as creative as you’d like.  If your child can write, ask them to include their favourite lyrics from the song.  If your child can’t yet write, ask them to tell you their favourite part of the song, and add it to their picture for them.  We’d love to see your work! If you like, find us on Facebook (Click CEOP) and share a photo of your child’s picture. Artwork only please. Do not share your child’s name or any pictures of your child.


About Thinkuknow


Thinkuknow is the online safety education programme from the National Crime Agency. Once a fortnight, On Tuesdays, we will produce an activity sheet to help you support your child while schools are partially closed.

You’ll find lots of support and advice for parents an carers on keeping your child safe online at: