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Queens Park

Early Years Federation

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Parent support- Family Lives- April courses.

March 2021

Welcome to our Spring 2021 update! As the weather gets better and the nights get lighter, we wanted to share some updates with you. BRSF Programme Extended!

We’re delighted to tell you that DWP have confirmed a further 12 month extension to the Building Relationships for Stronger Families Programme. Referrals will therefore continue from 1st April this year until 31st March 2022.


We offer four courses for parents to address their relationship issues, whether they are separated or together.


For practitioner referrals, please contact the Referral Gateway to explore the referral and check eligibility: or parents can selfrefer via the Tavistock Relationships webpage.


Relationships Matter Thank you to all who presented, facilitated and attended sessions during our inaugural Relationships Matter week in January. Discussions were rich and varied and it’s clear that they were a starting place for furthermuch-neededconversations.


Building Relationships for Stronger Families Programme ‘Within My Reach’ group for Separated Parents


The next Within My Reach course for Separated Parents start in April.

The course, facilitated by Family Lives, focuses on communication, effective co-parenting, talking to children about separation and recognising the challenges and opportunities of step-parenting or blended families.


The course runs remotely, on MS Teams, from 10am to 12pm over 8 sessions, on the following dates: 27th and 28th April, 4th, 5th,11th, 12th, 18th and 19th May 2021.

Contact for further details:


Brighton & Hove City Council and OnePlusOne have developed ‘Getting On Better’ cards. The cards are designed to help you think about your relationship, with ideas on how to reduce tension and arguments. Parents can look through the cards and follow the suggestions either together or separately. Find the cards here.


Between Us App Launch Tavistock Relationships have launched a new free App called ‘Between Us’ with exercises, information, videos and tips to work on your relationships. Click for more info.