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Early Years Federation

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Social, Emotional and Mental Health - webinars


The Educational Psychology Consultation Service has developed a series of webinars for all Bi-Borough schools and settings focusing on supporting social and emotional wellbeing– see details and YouTube links below. These webinars provide a short (up to 30 mins) introduction to each area and have been developed for all staff working in early years, school and youth sector settings. The webinars can also be shared with parents and carers. Your link EP can offer a wide range of follow up online workshops e.g. drop in sessions for staff or parents and carers / Q&A sessions / further training etc.


Building Resilience

Do you and those you work with need a bit of time for self-care? This short webinar looks at the ways to build resilience within yourself and leaves viewers with practical ideas for your self-care toolkit. It explores what resilience is; explores optimism and thinking traps we can find ourselves in and finally gives a range of strategies the viewer can take with them into their daily lives. This webinar will leave you feeling relaxed, hopeful and ready for anything!

Building Resilience - YouTube


Supporting Social and Emotional Development in the Early Years in the Covid-19 pandemic

Children in the EY may not be able to remember life before COVID-19, and staff working with these children have the task of supporting their well-being and social development in extra-ordinarily difficult times. This short webinar explores how the pandemic continues to impact on transitions, and why this is important for young children. It provides practitioners with information about young children's wellbeing, and how best to support it in these difficult times. It offers opportunities to reflect on practice with a reminder for practitioners to focus on their own wellbeing too.

Supporting Social and Emotional Development in the Early Years During the Covid-19 Pandemic. - YouTube


Helping Children to understand and manage their feelings

This short webinar aims to help parents and teachers learn how to use an “emotion coaching” approach with children. This technique aims to help children to understand their own feelings and emotions; to empathise and read the emotions and social cues of others; to control impulses, self-sooth and self-regulate; to motivate themselves and cope with life’s ‘ups and downs’; to better understand how they can express their emotions in healthy and appropriate ways.

Helping children to manage and understand their feelings. - YouTube



The YouTube links above will also soon be accessible via our Services2Schools webpage Bi Borough Educational Psychology Consultation Service | Services to Schools | Bi-Borough Children's Services (