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Early Years Federation

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The Billy Goats Gruff

Hello Parents and Carers! Planning for Week 3 25th Jan – 29th Jan


· We are moving to another classic Fairy Tale for the next 2 weeks ‘ The Billy Goats Gruff’! The planning shows you some of the activities we are planning on Nursery Floor in the coming week. We’ll extend our ideas next week.

· We have an activity pack ready for you to be collected at Nursery – we’ll also put up some activity sheets on the website and on our Twitter and Instagram pages.

· You will also get another call from your Key Person. If your child isn’t attending Nursery, we will be asking you about the progress you see in your child and how your feel they are working towards their Targets… because in a few weeks, we’ll be wanting to start setting new Targets!

· We are continuing to post videos up on Instagram and Twitter each day – keep visiting


Stay safe and well everyone !


29th January

Dear Parents and Carers,

Please see the following planning for Billy Goats Gruff Wk 2 for 1st to 5th Feb. If you would like a hard copy of the new activity sheets and games please call Anna to arrange pick up. We also have the activity packs with Week 1 BBG waiting here!

Your key person will be calling to talk to you if you need anything further.


Take care and Stay Safe,


Wendy and the DG Team

Please find the documents relating to this article on our 'Latest News Documents' page. Thank you.